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Tabletop Ring Game

Tabletop Ring Game


A fun and fast-paced version of the classic ring-and-hook toss bar game, this compact table-top set will be the star of the party. The basic game is easy to play - players race to put their ring on the hook and move the cup towards their opponent. Rounds continue until the cup reaches one of the players. Variations are limitless when it comes to house rules!

  • Product Details

    Handmade from high quality natural wood. The game conveniently slots together for easy assembly and disassembly.

  • How to Play

    There are several ways to play this game, here is the classic version of the rules. Feel free to make up your own house rules!


    Basic Game Rules:

    1. Two players sit facing each other with the game between them.

    2. Fill the cup with a desired drink and place it in the middle slot.

    3. Both players start the game at the same time. Each player pulls the ring of the metal hook, and swings the ring with the goal of landing it on their hook.

    4. Upon successfully hooking the ring, the wooden glass is pushed into the next slot towards the (losing) opponent. (In the event of an opponent's success, the glass is pushed back towards the other player.)


    5. When the cup is in the last slot and a player succeeds at winning that round, the losing player must take a drink.

    6. After 5 rounds, points are calculated based on the number of glasses taken. 

    7. Winner declares victory and gains bragging rights! 




    You can play a "speed version" of the game by having both players start at the same time but continually hook and move the cup until the cup goes past the last slot, not pausing each time a ring is hooked. The cup is refilled by the losing player and placed back in the center slot. Game is over after 5 minutes or decided upon time limit.

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